
Diet Detective: Summer Drink Recipes for 2015

Cold, light and refreshing drinks are the perfect way to quench your summer thirst and fill your belly. But many of the traditional summertime drinks come packed with sugar and calories. If you are looking to lighten up your drinks this summer, here are some helpful tips. And if you’re looking for healthy recipes, we got them for you.


Tips for lightening up drinks

  • Use more and /or larger ice cubes.
  • Go easy on the sugar. Add sugar to taste, not necessarily according to the recipe.
  • Use freshly squeezed juices.
  • Use smaller glasses.
  • Try some good lower-calorie drink options: red or white wine, wine spritzers and drinks made with seltzer or club soda.
  • Steer clear of drinks that are really desserts (e.g., cream drinks).

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