
How to Indulge and Not Gain Weight This Holiday Season

Never Go to a Party Hungry

Before you leave the house, grab some nuts, string cheese or whole-grain crackers. Having a snack with protein, fat and fiber helps you feel full so when you reach that buffet table, you'll be able to keep your portions reasonable. Also, don't forget your water. Drink plenty before the party so you don't confuse thirst with hunger.

More: How Much Water Should You Drink?

Bring Healthy Dishes to Potlucks and Parties

Some of Edison's suggestions include: fresh veggie spring rolls with dipping sauce, whole-wheat tortillas with hummus and red and green veggies for holiday pin wheels, and replacing the cheese platter with fresh veggies that have been blanched. Serve the veggies with her High Protein Veggie Dip.

Emily's High Protein Veggie Dip

  • 1/2 package Uncle Dan's Ranch Mix
  • 1 carton low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1/4 cup 2 percent milk or soy milk (or more to make the consistency you like)

Blend ingredients in food processor until smooth. Serve with fresh blanched veggies.

More: 10 of the Worst Holiday Party Foods

Avoid Santa Sweaters and Elastic Pants

These clothes allow you to eat without feeling discomfort, which is exactly what you don't want. Feeling the effect of your eating nudges you gently to stop when you feel satisfied.

More: 7 Ways to Trick Yourself Full

Be Picky

Just because it's shaped like Santa and has sprinkles, doesn't mean it's worth it. Be picky. If it's not something you love, don't even bother. However, if you've been waiting all year for Aunt Jean's fudge, then allow yourself a small treat. But, before you do, grab a piece of fruit or go for a little walk. If you still desire the treat, go ahead and indulge. By allowing yourself one favorite treat, you won't overeat when bombarded with displays of desserts.

More: A Healthy Makeover for Holiday Desserts

Manage Your Portions

Try salad or dessert plates instead of dinner plates or small cereal bowls instead of pasta bowls to help keep your portions down. Another trick is to pour drinks into tall skinny glasses instead of the fat, wide kind. The United States Department of Agriculture states: "Most people eat and drink more when served large portions. Choosing smaller portions can help you lose weight and keep it off."

More: Use Your Hands to Control Portion Sizes

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About the Author

Suzanne Corey

Suzanne Corey is a journalist and athlete. She competes in events around the country, including a marathon in Hawaii, a sprint triathlon in California, a rockin' half-marathon in Tennessee, and a century ride through Vermont and New Hampshire. When she's not training, Suzanne is raising two daughters and dreaming of a half-ironman. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Suzanne Corey is a journalist and athlete. She competes in events around the country, including a marathon in Hawaii, a sprint triathlon in California, a rockin' half-marathon in Tennessee, and a century ride through Vermont and New Hampshire. When she's not training, Suzanne is raising two daughters and dreaming of a half-ironman. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

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