
Juicing for Pre-workout

Stamina and Endurance

The second example involves banana and spirulina, good sources of potassium and important for the conversion of glucose to glycogen for energy. Magnesium (from bran, almonds and spirulina) is important for the storage and release of glycogen. Almonds are also a high energy food, producing six calories per gram. Adequate levels of chromium (from bran and banana) and zinc (from spirulina) help balance blood sugar regulation and therefore energy production.

  • 1 cup apple juice
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tbsp. oat, rice or wheat bran
  • 1 tbsp. spirulina, chlorela or blue-green algae
  • 8 to 12 almonds
  • To taste pure water

Blend the banana and the bran in the juice until smooth. Add the spirulina or other algae powder. For best digestion, almonds should be softened by pre-soaking them for several hours. If you like a crunchy, chewy drink, add the almonds at the end and just chop or blend them briefly.

Muscle Milk

Oats provide a rich source of carbohydrates that are easily converted into energy. Oats increase stamina and are particularly fortifying for the heart muscle. Oat milk is available in health food stores, or you can make your own. Or you may substitute soy milk.

The calcium contained in cocoa acts as a muscle tonic and helps with muscular contraction. Whey protein is the richest dietary source of BCAA's, a form of amino acids that builds muscle mass. Whey protein prevents muscle loss and promotes muscle growth and repair. Honey provides glucose, a source of energy.

  • 1 cup oats or soy Milk
  • 1 tsp whey protein powder
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. honey

Serve hot or cold. If drinking hot, stir the cocoa powder and whey into the hot milk. Heat up to a boil, but do not boil. If drinking cold, shake or blend the powders and honey thoroughly into the milk.

Tips for Successful Juicing

  • There are loads of other healthy fruits, vegetables and grains that can be juiced and blended to benefit your body for pre and post workouts. Consider the following tips when using your juicer or blender.
  • Always remove the peel from citrus fruits before juicing them. The peels from oranges, tangerines and grapefruits contain oils that are indigestible and provide a bitter taste. If consumed in large quantities citrus peels can lead to digestive problems. Lemon and lime peels can be juiced, but if consuming them, make sure they're organic to avoid pesticides. The white portion of a citrus fruit is actually the most beneficial part as it contains the most vitamin C and bioflavonoids (an antioxidant).
  • Don't forget to wash your produce and remove any bruised portions.
  • Remove large pits and hard seeds from fruits such as peaches, plumbs and cherries. Smaller and softer seeds, like those found in watermelons and grapes, can be juiced as they include beneficial nutrients.

Bryan Tomek is owner of the health & fitness website . carries a unique variety of health and fitness products, including yoga, pilates and fitness accessories as well as juicers, jogging strollers, natural personal care products and allergy products.
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