
10 Best Foods to Cook Over a Fire


Perhaps pineapple isn't considered a campfire food--yet--but heat caramelizes this exotic fruit making it a delicious addition to many meals.

  • Pineapple sticks: This is a simple side dish. Simply slide long, moderately thick pineapple pieces on a stick and place over the fire. Turn every 3 to 5 minutes, until the fruit has caramelized. Eat with coconut ice cream for dessert or have it as a side with grilled chicken or steak.

Canned Beans

This kitchen-pantry staple is the perfect campfire food. With little prep you can use these as a side dish or to bulk up your soup.

  • Mexican black beans: Take your beans out of the can and place them in a pot directly over the flame. Add corn, diced tomatoes, a chopped jalapeno, salt and pepper. Put your beans in a taco with meat or serve it as a side.

Corn Dogs

Using only pre-made biscuit dough and regular hot dogs, both of which are easy to transport, you can make your own campfire corn dog. Try this unusual camping food on your next trip.

  • Campfire corn dogs: Roll out each piece of biscuit dough while hot dogs are roasting over the fire. Before cooking all the way through, wrap biscuit dough around the dogs, stick them on a skewer and let the dough and the hot dog cook. Serve with ketchup and a salad.


Chicken is a versatile protein that many people rely on at home. This simple campfire food can be used in a variety of dishes from casserole to sandwiches.

  • Chicken tacos: Grill your chicken the over open flame, and get a good char on both sides. Slice the meat into strips and wrap them in a hard or soft taco shell. Add tomatoes, lettuce, onion and cheese for a quick and easy dinner.


A potato makes for hearty campfire food, and is loved by many. This low-maintenance ingredient can be served with almost any protein, at breakfast or dinner.

  • Cheesy roasted potatoes: Dice the potatoes and place them in tin foil with butter. Let them sit over the fire for 35 to 40 minutes. When they're just about done, add minced garlic and cheese. Put the packet back over the flame to finish. Serve with eggs for breakfast or protein for dinner.


Apples are the perfect campfire food for dessert. Their starchy makeup holds well over open flame, and the heat gives them just enough sweetness. Pair it with something creamy and you have the perfect dessert.

  • Baked apples: Slice your apple into medium-thick pieces and coat them with a rub of cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. Let them sit over the open flame and cook until the apples have softened. Serve with a side of vanilla ice cream.

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