
10 Must-Bring Camping Essentials

Portable Spice Rack

You wouldn't dig into an under-seasoned dinner at home, so why would you suffer at the campsite. A plastic, portable spice rack is perfect to throw into your camping essentials bag; most of these are small, easy to pack, and hard to break.

Lantern, Flashlight or Headlamp

Whether you're stumbling to the bathroom after dark or sneaking a midnight snack, you should always have a lantern and/or flashlight in your camping essentials box. Be sure your light source is easy to reach in the car, in the event that you arrive at your site after dark.

Maps and Compass

You have GPS on your phone, and you may even have a GPS system sitting in your car console. Unfortunately, you may not get a signal in remote camping spots, or as you disappear into the forest to go hiking. Have your navigation essentials, such as a map and compass, with you at all times in case your GPS is less than reliable.

Alternate Weather Wear

You've checked the weather forecast for weeks--no rain, only sun. Unfortunately, the weather can change at the drop of a dime, leaving you stuck in the rain or huddling around your campfire. With an extra set of clothes, you won't have to worry about sudden weather changes; you can swap out wet clothes for dry ones or layer during a cold front.

Pocket Knife

Most commonly known as a Swiss Army Knife, this tool is a camping essential that takes up almost no space in your bags. With a knife, corkscrew, saw, small scissors, and more, you'll have a variety of camping essentials in an easy-to-pack, compact size.

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