
10 Steps to Throw a Camping Birthday Party

Step 5: Make a List of Drinks

Soft drinks for sugar fiends, bottled water for others. And adults can bring whatever libations they'd enjoy—Just be sure they're okay to drive when the party's over; you don't want accidents on the way down the mountain. Also, make sure you have plenty of ice and disposable cups.

Step 6: The Cake

You can bring along a store-bought cake or make one at camp. Avoid cold cakes or ice cream cakes unless you have a large refrigerator—an ice chest might not be cold enough. One idea is to build a pyramid of brownies and put a candle on top. Big, thick, chewy cookies are also a welcome treat.

More: 11 Signs You Had a Memorable Camping Trip

Step 7: Pack the Party Favors

It's just not a birthday party without party favors. You can find camping theme party favors, such as inexpensive sunglasses, plastic binoculars, rubber worms and toy bugs at party supply stores. Wrap the treats in a brown paper lunch bag, twist the top and tie it with rough twine to hand out to guests.

Step 8: Plan Games and Activities

A camping birthday party isn't about sitting around and admiring the trees. It's about having fun. So be sure to have plenty of easy activities planned. These can include:

  • A scavenger hunt (keep the items simple)
  • Baseball
  • Football or soccer
  • Horseshoes
  • Cards
  • Nature crafts (small collages of twigs, stones and leaves glued to construction paper)

And don't forget s'mores, sing-a-longs, and ghost stories around the campfire.

Step 9: Stock Up on Outdoor Supplies

While you're probably well-equipped for outdoor adventures, be sure to bring extra supplies of sunscreen, insect repellant and inexpensive flashlights for your guests who might need them after dark.

Step 10: Clean Up

Don't forget, your birthday party is going to be out in the wilderness, which is filled with wild things— wild things that like human food. Clean up every last crumb and cup, and bring extra paper towels, garbage bags and household spray cleaner to take care of any mess, and to haul away your trash and recyclables. You want to leave your campsite cleaner than you found it, and not have any uninvited animal guests.

A camping birthday party is the perfect way to combine two great events: celebrating someone's special day and camping, of course. So give it a try. You could be creating a whole new tradition.

More: 10 Ways to Keep a Clean Campsite

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About the Author

Jeff Adams

Jeff Adams

Jeff Adams is a California-based freelance writer, contributor to and an avid camping enthusiast. He's been dragging his trailer and willing family around the western U.S. for more than a decade.
Jeff Adams is a California-based freelance writer, contributor to and an avid camping enthusiast. He's been dragging his trailer and willing family around the western U.S. for more than a decade.

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