
7 Yellowstone Hikes Ranging From Easy to Advanced

Yellowstone National Park has nearly 300 waterfalls, geysers and even a boiling river. Yet only 8 percent of the country's first official national park can be seen from the road.
This means only folks who explore on foot can experience all that this park has to offer, including 1,100 miles of trails and a 132-foot waterfall.

With so many trails to try, it's hard to choose the best one for your trip. Use this hiking guide to help you find a trail that's perfect for your skill level, location and more. 

More: Epic National Park Hikes for Everyone

Safety First

There are three things you need to take seriously when hiking in Yellowstone National Park: wildlife, weather and regulations. Here's what you need to know about them.

Wildlife: Every year people are injured in the park by wildlife. In most cases, these incidents could have been avoided with proper knowledge of how to act around the animals, so it's important to familiarize yourself with the habits of elk, bison and bears. Speak with rangers at Yellowstone and learn some basic Bear Safety Tips before you start your journey.

Weather: Weather in Yellowstone is subject to change quickly, especially at high altitudes. Always check the forecast for your trip and pack extra clothing to accommodate any potential climate change. Lightning can be a dangerous factor in the park; watch for storms rolling in.

Regulations: These are established for a reason and need to be followed. If a trail is closed because of bear activity, don't hike it. If a river is closed because of strong currents, don't try to cross it.

Always keep these safety regulations in mind as you choose hikes. And, as with any other hike, make sure you tell someone where you're going before you set out.

More: 8 Hiking Safety Tips

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About the Author

Tyler Dunning

Born and raised in Montana, Tyler developed a reverence for adventure at a young age which he continues to refine. This sentiment has led him all over the United States and around the world; his current goal is to visit all of the U.S. national parks. Though he has dabbled in professional wrestling, archaeology, social-justice advocacy and academia, at his core he is a writer. Find more of his work at
Born and raised in Montana, Tyler developed a reverence for adventure at a young age which he continues to refine. This sentiment has led him all over the United States and around the world; his current goal is to visit all of the U.S. national parks. Though he has dabbled in professional wrestling, archaeology, social-justice advocacy and academia, at his core he is a writer. Find more of his work at

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