
How to Avoid Critters While Camping

Keep Your Food Protected

It's when you're fast asleep after a long day in the wilderness that animals are most likely to come roaming around your campsite. If your food is left out, you'll wake to an empty kitchen and a big mess. Some ways to protect your grub include:

Putting food containers in a tree, or hang your cooler from a branch.
Put all food in the car at the end of the night.
Lock coolers if they're on the ground.

More: Must-Have Foods for Your Camping Trip

Take Care of Leftovers

Not only do you want to keep all your food in a safe place at night, but it's also important you take care of any and all leftovers. First and foremost, throw your trash out before going to bed. Leftover food in the trash is sure to attract critters. Secondly, wash your dishes. Though you don't need to put your pots and pans away, be sure they're clean.

No Food Near the Tent

You won't be safe from animals in your tent if food is in there, even just crumbs. Animals are drawn to your campsite by the scent of food, and will try to get it, regardless of where it is. Never bring food into the area where you sleep, even if you plan to take it out before sleeping. It's also important you try to cook at least 100 feet away tents. You don't want any traces of dinner lingering around the area where you sleep.

When you're camping, critters are all around you. But they don't have to be in your campsite or come along with you on a hike. Take precautions to keep yourself safe and avoid critters at all times.

More: 5 Tips to Keeps Bugs Away While Camping

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About the Author

Jessica Sanders

Jessica Sanders is the Associate Online Editor for After many years of camping and hiking in the Northeast, she's exploring what the West has to offer and sharing all of her knowledge with you. She's a s'mores master, campsite connoisseur, writer, runner and lover of all things outdoors. Follow her on Google+
Jessica Sanders is the Associate Online Editor for After many years of camping and hiking in the Northeast, she's exploring what the West has to offer and sharing all of her knowledge with you. She's a s'mores master, campsite connoisseur, writer, runner and lover of all things outdoors. Follow her on Google+

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