
How to Winterize an RV


Fill all propane tanks. Where winters are harsh, external propane tanks should be removed and stored in a sheltered location--but never inside the RV. Cover the tank connection fittings on the RV with plastic bags and rubber bands to keep out insects


Clean the oven, stovetop, refrigerator and cabinets. Remove toiletries and then vacuum interior. Prop open refrigerator doors. Open a fresh box of baking soda and place inside. Make sure freezer is completely thawed and dried.

If your RV is stored at a storage lot, remove any valuables such as TVs, portable video games, MP3 players and tools.

Food and Drink

Remove any food and beverages. Canned or bottled foods and drinks can freeze and burst, making a mess that can attract insects and wildlife. Packaged foods are also attractive, so it's usually best to just remove everything.

Clothing and Bedding

Remove all clothing, bedding and linens for laundering.

Rodent and Insect Control

Check for any gaps or openings into which rodents, birds or insects might enter. Cover any holes with screening. Cover any vents with cardboard or aluminum foil.


Close all roof vents. Check plumbing vents and the air conditioner shroud (special air conditioner covers are available). Examine roof for any damage or leaks and repair.


Check seals around exterior doors and windows. Re-caulk where needed. Clean and store your sewer hose and place bumper caps back in position. Wash and wax.


Fully extend and clean the awning using special awning cleaner (do not use dish or laundry soap). Let it dry completely and stow. Rigid slip-on awning covers are available to protect the fabric from the elements.

Moisture Control

One of the last steps before closing up--open a container of moisture absorbent and place it on a flat surface inside your RV. As the name implies, it will remove dampness from the air and help prevent corrosion, mold and mildew formation. Available at most RV supply stores.

Protect From Weather

Keep your rig protected from the weather, either under a shelter or a fabric cover made especially for RVs. If you live in an area where freezing rains or snow occurs, consult with an RV cover manufacturer for the best solution for your climate.

Winterizing an RV can be a lot of work, but it will be worth the effort when you get ready to go out on your first camping trip of the new season.

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