
Why You Should Ditch Popular Hiking Trails

In 2016, 331 million people hit the trails in U.S. national parks—a 7.7 percent increase from the previous year and a new record for visitations in the National Park Service’s centennial year. But with 24 million more people on the trails, how can you effectively satisfy man’s most basic need to find solitude in nature?

You might suggest the road—or trail—less traveled, but are you really brave enough to venture off the beaten path? TomTom, for one, thinks so, and they’ve launched a new initiative to not only get more people to the parks, but to encourage them to venture from the trails.

They sent us off to Acadia National Park in Maine armed with only the TomTom Adventurer GPS and a keen sense of discovery and quickly turned us into believers, too—here’s why.

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