Santa Fe Sweet Potato Recipe

Far more nutritious than your run-of-the-mill baked potato with sour cream and butter, this Santa Fe Sweet Potato will become your new lunch go-to.

By Keely Hedges

How to Stick to Your Diet While on Vacation

You can vacate the daily grind without ditching your weight-loss goals. With a little planning and determination, you'll enjoy your vacation and so...

By Suzanne Corey

Gender-Specific Energy Bars: Nutritional Need or Marketing Ploy?

Do women and men really require different kinds of energy bars for athletic performance or overall nutrition? Or, are bars marketed to a specific g...

By David L. Coddon

Fruitcake Recipe for Athletes

Store-bought fruitcake gets a bad rap. Homemade fruitcake, on the other hand, can be a nutrient-dense food for endurance athletes. Use this recipe ...

By Biju Thomas

Best Back-to-School Breakfasts

Set your kids up for success this school year by starting their days with well-balanced, nutritious breakfasts.

By Maile Proctor

Slow-Cooker Mexican Oat Chili Recipe

Steel cut oats may drum up images of breakfast. But they can also be used as a base for dinner recipes, as well. This dish is rich in fiber and sou...

By Keely Hedges

How to Fuel During Race Training and Not Break the Bank

From supplements and energy boosters to piles of produce, training fuel can be costly. But it doesn't have to be. With a little ingenuity, you can ...

By David L. Coddon

8 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Group Fitness Class

Picking a group fitness class can be an overwhelming process. Here's how you can find the right one.

By Sue Parke