
Summer Camps for Kids: 10 FAQs to Know Before Registering

kids at camp

If you're spending hundreds of dollars to send your children away to a camp under the supervision of others, nearly every detail of the situation is important. Summer camps have been creating lifelong memories for kids for decades, but that doesn't mean parents can't have their reservations.

To know more about what you can expect, here are 10 frequently asked questions and answers.

1. What is the average cost of a camp?

According to the American Camp Association (ACA), the cost of camp can vary from less than $100 to more than $1,500. Typically the prices break down as follows:
  • Resident Camps: $690 to $2000+ per week
  • Day Camps: $304 to $500+ per week

2. Do camps provide financial assistance?

Many camps offer special discounts, scholarships and financial assistance. The ACA reports that more than 90 percent of camps offer financial assistance, and more than 70 percent of camps award at least $10,000 in scholarships annually.

3. Why do some camps ask for donations on top of registration fees?

Many camps ask for donations to fund scholarships for attendees, improvement of facilities, and recruitment of staff members.

4. How long do camps last?

The most common length of a summer camp is one week or less, although many independent camp operators offer four, six and eight-week sessions.

5. What is a typical camp schedule like?

Day camps usually run during normal work and school hours. There are also overnight resident camps, which keep participants busy from dusk to dawn. For example, here's a typical schedule for the University of Florida girl's soccer overnight camp:

7 a.m. Wake up
7:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Camp demo
9 a.m. Practice session
10:45 a.m. 6-on-6 small-sided matches
12 p.m. Lunch
1 p.m. Optional free time
2:15 p.m. Practice session II
3:45 p.m. Indoor soccer matches
5 p.m. Dinner
6:30 p.m. Start of evening matches
9:30 p.m. End of evening matches
11 p.m. Lights out

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