Plantar fasciitis is a notoriously stubborn injury. Try these moves to ease the pain and prevent your injury from progressing.
Don't let the cold weather freeze your workout routine. The following advice will help you heat up and get moving during the winter months.
Why run easy instead of cross-training or resting? Learn if you need recovery runs, and how to get the most out of these slower efforts.
Why strength train; isn't running enough? Yes and no. It creates substantial results in a small amount of time; here's why.
Couch to 5K (C25K) programs are a great way to train without getting hurt. If you're nervous about starting, learn what to expect.
Learn how to lay a solid foundation so you have something strong to build on when race season rolls around.
What gear to you need as a new runner, and can gadgets really motivate you to train? We separate the necessities from the niceities.
When coming back to running after an injury, it helps to be grateful for every mile. The next eight steps will guide you to a smart recovery.
Running beyond the marathon is an achievable goal if you follow the right process. Avoid injury and progress intelligently with this advice.