How Do I Run a Faster 5K?

Running a faster 5K is possible once you identify the key elements that need attention. Follow these three steps to achieve your 5K PR.

By Jay Johnson

How to Get Fit Quickly in Less Than 3 Hours a Week

If you can carve out 45 minutes three times a week, you can get fit enough to lose weight, increase strength and become a better runner. Here's how.

By Sabrina Grotewold

The 4 Best Form Drills to Improve Your Running Technique

Running drills are designed to mimic sound running form in short bursts. If you want to improve your form, these drills will help you do that.

By Jeff Gaudette

3 Interval Training Workouts for Speed

High-intensity efforts build power, speed, and fitness—fast.

By Cindy Kuzma

The Summit Seeker: How Running Changed My Life

Stuck in a rut and need inspiration? Read how one ultrarunner found herself through the repetitive but comforting act of putting one foot in front ...

By Vanessa Rodriguez

Why You Should Vary Your Running Terrain

The top three reasons to vary terrain: build power and speed, prevent injury and add diversity to your routine. Learn how to implement these variat...

By Caitlin Chock

Base-Building for Your First 10K: The 50-Mile Challenge

Training for your first 10K? If you're not sure how many miles you need, try this simple month-long challenge to make training fun and productive.

By Ryan Wood

6 Steps to Prepare Mentally For Your First 5K

If you just signed up for your first 5K, know that it's just as important to get your mind ready as your body. These six tips will get you in shape...

By Laura Forman