Are You Really a Beginning Runner?

One important question new runners often neglect before they begin training: Are you really a beginning runner? Take this quiz to find out.

By Sabrina Grotewold

Avoid a Running Injury With the 10 Percent Rule

Run too much, too soon, and you're bound to get hurt. There's a reason why the 10 percent rule is a rule: it works. Here's how to use it.

By Mackenzie Lobby

How Much Marathon Training Do You Really Need?

How much training do you need for a marathon? According to coach Pete Rea, 26.2-mile prep should be inversely proportional to your fitness. Find ou...

By Pete Rea

How to Improve VO2 Max

Runners can improve VO2 max with mileage and interval training, but how many miles and how much intensity? Depends on how much you want to improve.

By Jason R. Karp, Ph.D.

Beat the Competition at Your Next Race With Fartlek Workouts

If train your body to fartlek, or surge, in a race, you can use it to try to beat your competition. These three workouts can help.

By Caitlin Chock

How Beginners Can Make Running a Healthy Habit

It takes us about six to eight weeks to form a habit. Learn how to make running a healthy habit that you stick to for as long as possible.

By Brendan Cournane

A Better Pre-Run Warm-Up: 5 Moves in 20 Minutes

An inappropriate warm-up often leads to a slower workout. Prime your body to run optimally with this warm-up designed by coach Jay Johnson.

By Jay Johnson

14 Tips to Prepare for Your First 5K

Running your first 5K can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Prepare like a seasoned racer with these tips.

By Tyler Pake