
10 Reasons You Should Do The Color Run

Reasons to do a color run

We all know that running delivers a boost of feel-good endorphins, but The Color Run™ amplifies those happiness-inducing chemicals ten-fold. Here are 10 reasons why The Color Run should be on your "must-run" list.

1. It's Not Timed

Check your watch at the door and leave pacing worries behind while you soak in the event. Sure, we all love scoring a new PR, but sometimes it's best to just run for the fun of it. With no pressure to hit a specific time, you'll be reminded of why you fell in love with running in the first place.

2. Group-Friendly

Ever run a race with friends only to struggle to stay close to each other the entire way? Between flailing elbows, dodging slower-paced runners and constantly listening for, "On your left!," it can be hard to stick together. Not at The Color Run. Without the element of timing and a chill approach from the start, this race is perfect to experience with friends.

3. Great Swag

Let's face it: Nothing tops off a great event like awesome swag. And The Color Run doesn't disappoint in this category. Runners score an awesome T-shirt, finisher's medal, colorful sweatband to rock like it's 1985 and color packets to throw on friends. Nothing like a good color-throwing party to turn up the fun.

4. Sparkle Zone


This doesn't really need much explanation. In a world full of neutrals, it's fun to not only let your colors shine, but to sparkle while doing it. The 2015 Shine Tour still features The Color Run's traditional color-throwing stations where runners are covered in brightly hued powder, but also includes a final station with glitter. Finish the event literally glistening, bringing new meaning to the statement, "I don't sweat, I sparkle."

5. Channel Your Inner Tutu-Loving Self

Don't fight your need to wear a tutu any longer. Put on your best tulle skirt and get ready to run. And you won't be the only one—prepare to run in a sea of tutus. Participants should wear as much white as possible, but expect to finish looking like a rainbow.


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