There are plenty of choices when picking a road race distance. Here are 11 reasons why the 5K is the best mileage option.
Time With Loved Ones
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5Ks are a great way to spend quality time with friends and family (in many races, pets, too). The experience offers a sense of camaraderie and teamwork toward a common goal—the finish line!
There are thousands of themed 5K races around the country that are just plain fun. Who wouldn't want to run in tutus, superhero costumes and wacky outfits?
The distance is great for testing your general running fitness level. Run the same race every year, like your hometown Turkey Trot, to pit your time against the previous year.
5Ks can be easily trained for without a large risk of injury. Additionally, people who are training for longer distances can work a 5K race into their training without derailing their normal routine.