
3 Ways to Set Effective Running Goals for the New Year

2) Don't Set Boring Goals

A good running goal is one you believe you can achieve and that also makes you a little nervous because it might be tough to accomplish. Setting stretch goals will get you out of your comfort zone, which is where growth happens. The right goals change your perspective on what's possible.

Your goals should be exciting and maybe even a little scary. Think creatively and use your past results and experience to help you set ambitious, yet doable, performance goals that will motivate you to succeed.

Many people have experienced breakthroughs because they were bold enough to pursue extraordinary results. Make sure you don't set your sights too low.

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3) Train with a System

A goal is incomplete without a plan to achieve it. The best approach uses a step-by-step system. Get honest about your starting point and get real about what it's going to take to achieve your goal. Identify the crucial activities you'll need to perform to succeed.

Make sure that you have both performance goals and process-oriented goals that you can focus on each day. Then pour your energy into the process itself. Do the work—your daily training. Eventually, you will achieve your goal. You may even experience a breakthrough when you least expect it.

After you've set your goal and identified the action steps to get you there, take one small step that will commit you to the task. You could sign up for a race, tell a friend, or join a running club—anything that will provide drive and keep you accountable.

The best runners take initiative in their training. Be proactive. Make this the year that you push yourself to achieve ambitious goals and perform better than you ever have before. If you believe in yourself and follow the steps outlined above, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

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About the Author

Jason Fitzgerald

Jason Fitzgerald is a USATF-certified running coach, 2:39 marathoner, and the founder of Strength Running. Have a question about running? Download the free Strength Running PR Guide to get 35+ answers to the most commonly asked questions about running.
Jason Fitzgerald is a USATF-certified running coach, 2:39 marathoner, and the founder of Strength Running. Have a question about running? Download the free Strength Running PR Guide to get 35+ answers to the most commonly asked questions about running.

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