
6 Experts Share Their Weight-Loss Tips for Runners

Megan McMorris' Tip: Realize Hunger Is Not an Emergency

"Most of us who struggle with extra pounds tend to view hunger as a condition that needs to be cured—and fast," says Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., author of the new Beck Diet Solution. "If you fear hunger, you might routinely overeat to avoid it," she says.

Thin people tolerate it because they know hunger pangs always come and go, buying them some time. Copy Them: Pick a busy day to purposely delay lunch by an hour or two. Or try skipping an afternoon snack one day. You'll see that you can still function just fine. Then next time you feel those grumbles, you'll hold off before making a beeline for the fridge.

American Running Association's Tip: Lift Weights

Add strength training to your workout plan. You will get two calorie-burning benefits. After each weight session, you will burn calories for longer than after a cardiovascular workout like running. And, as you build muscle you will increase your resting metabolic rate so that additional calories are burned even while sleeping or relaxing.

Researchers from Arizona State University found that energy expenditure was raised for up to two hours after a weight-training session. Cardiovascular exercise generally raises metabolism for less than an hour following a workout.

The Diet Detective's Tip: Leave Something in the Tank

Vanity can work in two ways. It can serve as a negative motivator, meaning that you will do whatever you can to move away from the negative stimulus. Or, the desire to look more attractive or be able to fit into different clothes can act as a positive motivator.

Will it last? Probably. But for it to be successful in the long run, the desire to be attractive must be more important than any distraction. It must be one of the more central themes in your life.

It's not a good idea to use that terrible photo just to get you pumped up so that you'll have more willpower to resist tempting foods. Instead, use it as motivation to make a plan for how you will not only lose weight, but keep it off permanently.

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About the Author

Michael Clarke

Michael Clarke is an online video editor for His favorite part of the job is covering inspiring races and athletes who push themselves to be the best they can be.
Michael Clarke is an online video editor for His favorite part of the job is covering inspiring races and athletes who push themselves to be the best they can be.

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