
6 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer For a Race

Whether it's for a soup kitchen, your child's Little League baseball team or the annual neighborhood 5K, volunteering can be a rewarding experience. Most events rely on the presence of unpaid volunteers to achieve their goals on a yearly basis, and this selfless service benefits all parties involved.

Here are six reasons why you should donate your time at a race.

Get a Feel For Race Day

If your first race is approaching, volunteering a few weeks before can be a great way to get a feel for what the atmosphere will be like. Several different factors go into a race, and getting a preview of gear check stations, crowded start lines, water stations, and more will help you prepare. Try to simulate your own race day when you show up to volunteer by going through your anticipated routine in your head.

Give Back

Volunteering is the perfect chance to give back to the community. Races can be important fundraising events—a large portion of proceeds is often donated to local businesses and charities—and unpaid volunteers play an important role in how everything comes together. Your service will be greatly appreciated by everyone involved, and you'll feel a sense of fulfillment after donating your time and effort for a good cause.

Support a Friend or Family Member

If your friend or family member has a race coming up, there's a good chance they'd appreciate some support. Since just showing up to a race to watch can be boring, try volunteering to keep yourself entertained. Once the person you're cheering for crosses the finish line, congratulate them and join them for the after-party.

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About the Author


Hunter Hewitt

Hunter Hewitt is an online content editor for As a former collegiate athlete, Hunter has always been passionate about living an active, healthy lifestyle. He enjoys running, basketball, ultimate frisbee and many other outdoor sports and activities. Follow Hunter on Twitter @HunterHewitt
Hunter Hewitt is an online content editor for As a former collegiate athlete, Hunter has always been passionate about living an active, healthy lifestyle. He enjoys running, basketball, ultimate frisbee and many other outdoor sports and activities. Follow Hunter on Twitter @HunterHewitt

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