
6 Tips for Training for an Obstacle Course Race

There aren’t any mud pits to jump over in the marathon. There are no walls to scale or buckets of sand to carry like in obstacle course racing.

Because many obstacle course races, which can range from a mile up, test full-body strength and endurance, training for one of these races looks different from training for a standard road race. But just how do you make the transition from 10Ks and marathons to obstacle course racing?

“Most runners are very good at working through running-related fatigue,” said Brakken Kraker, a Spartan Pro Team racer and Head OCR coach with “However, during an OCR race you experience such high levels of fatigue in your arms, legs, core, lungs, that it’s extremely difficult for a first-timer to run well.”

Here are a few tips on making the transition to your first OCR.

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