
7 Inspiring People Doing the Zuckerberg Challenge


Jim Blackburn is a 53-year-old technology design consultant and the owner and vice president of an engineering firm.

When did you start running?

I stepped on the treadmill at the local YMCA in February 2011. Twelve months prior to that I weighed 420 pounds, and in April 2010, I had weight loss surgery in hopes of saving my life. I never would have imagined running would become such an important part of my life, but that first painful, agonizing and uncomfortable treadmill workout was the beginning of my running journey.

Why did you start running?

I started running because I could. After losing 184 pounds, 10 months after my weight loss surgery, my close friend and surgeon urged me to get into the gym. I took his words to heart and have never looked back.

How has running changed your life?

I started my weight loss journey at 420 pounds with high blood pressure, chronic sleep apnea, the beginning signs of diabetes and a multitude of aches and pains that made it hard for me to simply live my life. I have lost 220 pounds since my journey began. Today I no longer have any of the life-threatening conditions that were the catalyst for my decision to undergo weight loss surgery. 

Most importantly, I can proudly say I am a runner—and a triathlete. The cornerstone of my success, aside from the support I receive from my wife and children, is the passion I have developed for running and being a part of a community of runners that are so very kind and supportive.

What encouraging words or advice would you give to someone who wants to start running?

Be an inspired runner and you will inspire others. My catch phrase is, "Inspire to be inspired," and this is what keeps me motivated, focused and moving forward in my ongoing journey.

In my short running career, I have never come in first. I have never won a medal, and I have been passed on the race course by 80-year-olds, people pushing strollers and occasionally mascots in full costume. But in every race I have run, I have finished, I have sweated, and I have been told by so many kind people that my turnaround in life, my journey and my story are an inspiration.

Find something that inspires you to run. Start off slow, set realistic goals and expectations and train at your own pace.

And by the way, you are a runner.

Weight loss picture

Wanda Jenkins is a 45-year-old working in higher education.

When did you start running? 

I started running in August of 2015.

Why did you start running?

I started running for health reasons. I needed to gain control of my weight, blood pressure and cholesterol.

How has running changed your life?

I have lost 52 pounds. I have lowered my cholesterol from 255 to 160, and I have eliminated the need for blood pressure meds.  

What encouraging words or advice would you give to someone who wants to start running?

The hardest part is getting out the door. If you say to yourself, "I am only going to run a mile," you will eventually run a 5K. Take the leap of faith, get fitted for running shoes and begin by walking. You can then increase based on your ability.

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About the Author

Jackie Veling

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

Jackie Veling is a past Senior Editor at She’s passionate about overall wellness and body positivity, and her favorite way to stay active is through running. You can follow her on Twitter.

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