
A Woman's Guide to Half-Marathon Training

To all runners: Listen to your body. Add an extra rest day or take an additional cross-training day when you need it.

More: Half-Marathon Training for Beginners

CT: Cross-Train

Do 30 minutes. Pick an activity that elevates your heart rate, such as biking, swimming, power walking, or using the elliptical.

TT: Time Trial

Warm up for one mile, running at a very easy pace. Then time yourself at a comfortably fast pace—not all-out—for two miles. Note your time and try to beat it at your next time trial.

R&R RUN: Rest & Recovery Run

Run three to four miles at an easy pace. Every fourth week will be for recovery—a rejuvenating time to scale back intensity.

More: A Fresh Perspective on Recovery Runs

INT: Intervals, 3.5 miles

Run one mile easy, then for the next two miles, alternate either one minute of harder effort with one minute of easy recovery jogging or two minutes of harder effort with one minute of jogging. Cool down with half a mile at an easy pace.

T: Tempo Runs, 3-4 Miles

Get ready to pick up the pace—you can talk, but no more than a few words at a time—for a portion of your workout. Do one mile at your normal pace, then add the tempo somewhere in the middle. Finish at your normal pace.

More: What Are Threshold and Tempo Runs?

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