
Are You Ready for a Half Marathon?

You've Got the Means to Invest in Proper Gear.

One of the best things about running is that it doesn't require a big investment to get started. But you do need to make sure you've got a good pair or two of running shoes (and not those sad-looking, questionable sneakers you've been wearing for any and every occasion for the past five years). Be sure to check out your local run store to get a proper fit for your shoe type and size (most people go up a size for run shoes). You'll also want to invest in attire with moisture-wicking fabric to prevent chafing and, if you're like most people, some good tunes to help battle the long training miles.

You Have a Plan—Or Almost Do.

You find yourself scoping out various races from time to time. You may have even questioned common half-marathon variables. (Cool vs. warm weather? Trail vs. road? Flat vs. hilly? Local vs. destination race? Huge crowds or under-the-radar races?) And while you don't have to have all the details ironed out, it's important to start asking yourself these questions to hone in on that 13.1-mile race that best suits your style.

You're Up to the Challenge.

If you'd rather jab a dull pencil in your thigh than run more than 30 minutes, maybe a half marathon isn't for you. Sometimes, the toughest part of longer distance races can be the longer distance, boring, I-can't-believe-I'm-up-this-early morning training runs. And if you're not up to the mental or physical challenge today, save yourself the time, effort and money and support or volunteer from the sidelines. Keep kicking butt in 5Ks and 10Ks–that half marathon will be waiting next year!

More: Climb Your Way to a New PR with Hill Workouts

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About the Author

Jennifer Walker

Jennifer is a six-time Ironman finisher, Ironman World Championship and Ironman 70.3 World Championship Qualifier, and was recognized by USA Triathlon in 2012, 2013 and 2014 with All-American Honors. Jennifer serves as the Director of Marketing Communications for the Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau and enjoys spending what spare time she has outside of training with her two best furry friends – her rescue pups Bella and Brutus.
Jennifer is a six-time Ironman finisher, Ironman World Championship and Ironman 70.3 World Championship Qualifier, and was recognized by USA Triathlon in 2012, 2013 and 2014 with All-American Honors. Jennifer serves as the Director of Marketing Communications for the Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau and enjoys spending what spare time she has outside of training with her two best furry friends – her rescue pups Bella and Brutus.

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