
Are You Ready for a Marathon?

Are you healthy?

Marathon training exacerbates any weakness or existing injury. Make sure you’re bulletproof before you begin training by discussing your plans with your doctor or healthcare provider. You may also want to schedule a few visits with a massage therapist throughout the training cycle.

Do you have a good support network?

Your friends, family, and co-workers can be a source of strength for you. Clearly communicate how your marathon plans affect each of them, and how they can help you achieve your goals. You’re the one running the race, but it takes a team to make it to the starting line.

How bad do you want it?

Find your motivation and document it. Write down your marathon goals. Develop a mantra to help you make it through your first 18-mile training run. Know why you’re running and believe in yourself.

Are you ready to join the marathon tribe? Do you think you have what it takes? Are you ready make sacrifices and chase this dream without pause? If so, the marathon is waiting for you. Go get it!

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About the Author

Jason Saltmarsh

Jason Saltmarsh is an RRCA Certified Distance Running Coach and marathon runner who has been writing about health and fitness since 2012. His work has appeared in Runner’s World and Club Running, and on many popular running websites. He is a regular contributor to and the Huffington Post and recently published his first book, Marathon Running: A Complete Guide for Beginners. Learn more at
Jason Saltmarsh is an RRCA Certified Distance Running Coach and marathon runner who has been writing about health and fitness since 2012. His work has appeared in Runner’s World and Club Running, and on many popular running websites. He is a regular contributor to and the Huffington Post and recently published his first book, Marathon Running: A Complete Guide for Beginners. Learn more at

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