
Chi Running Tips for Conquering Hills

Downhill Running Technique

Runners may pass you going uphill during a race, but you'll fly by them on the downhill. Follow these tips to perfect your downhill stride:

  • Engage your core.
  • Keep your upper body ahead of your feet.
  • Open up your hips and allow them to swing your legs to the rear. This lengthens your stride behind you.
  • Relax your legs as much as possible.
  • Try to maintain a fluid stride. Imagine you're water flowing down the hill.
  • Have fun and enjoy the feeling of flying!

You might have noticed that engaging your core is key for uphill and downhill running. There's no comparison between the huge amount of power your core has to offer and that of your legs. None of the great golfers and homerun hitters do what they do by just swinging their arms. They generate power by swinging from their hips.

More: Keys to Efficient Uphill Running

These tips will get you started, but extremely steep hills require more advanced technique. If you encounter those often or are training for a race with steep hills, we'd recommend reviewing our Hills Made Easy DVD. If you run steep hills on trails, check out our Hills & Trails DVD.

Just remember: take it easy on the uphill, enjoy the downhill, and most importantly, stay loose and relaxed.

More: 4 Hill Running Tips From an Expert

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About the Author

Danny Dreyer

Danny Dreyer is the creator of ChiRunning? and ChiWalking?, revolutionary forms of moving that blend T'ai Chi with running and walking. ChiRunning and ChiWalking by Danny and Katherine Dreyer are No. 1 sellers with over 350,000 copies sold. Chi Marathon hits shelves March 2012. The ChiRunning app is now available for iPhone (Android version available Fall 2013). As an accomplished ultra marathoner, Danny speaks at prestigious wellness events across the country. He has taught training groups, including the AIDS Marathon and Team in Training and USA/FIT. Danny, along with more than 180 Certified Instructors, holds capacity-filled clinics around the world. Danny's lifestyle is steeped in holistic living, meditation, and personal wellness and is the foundation of what he teaches.

Danny Dreyer is the creator of ChiRunning? and ChiWalking?, revolutionary forms of moving that blend T'ai Chi with running and walking. ChiRunning and ChiWalking by Danny and Katherine Dreyer are No. 1 sellers with over 350,000 copies sold. Chi Marathon hits shelves March 2012. The ChiRunning app is now available for iPhone (Android version available Fall 2013). As an accomplished ultra marathoner, Danny speaks at prestigious wellness events across the country. He has taught training groups, including the AIDS Marathon and Team in Training and USA/FIT. Danny, along with more than 180 Certified Instructors, holds capacity-filled clinics around the world. Danny's lifestyle is steeped in holistic living, meditation, and personal wellness and is the foundation of what he teaches.

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