
Chubby People Can Run Marathons, Too

The Idea of a Marathon Versus an Actual Marathon

Once I set the goal to run a marathon, I wrote it down...and promptly put it on a shelf where most goals eventually end up. A few years later, I met the love of my life and got married. It was in that first blissful year of marriage that I felt a renewed sense of empowerment, and with the strength and support of my new bride, I felt like I could accomplish anything. So I took that journal from the shelf and decided to put the goal into action.

"The payoff comes when you cross that coveted finish line. At that point, it's all totally worth it."

However, the idea of running a marathon is much different than actually running a marathon. I tend to romanticize ideas in my mind, and the goal of running a marathon was no exception. I quickly learned the difference between the two once I started the actual work of training. And let me tell you: It is work.

Since I had no background in running, it was all very new. From finding the right running shoes for my hobbit-like feet to moisture-wicking shirts and nipple chafing, I had to find everything out the hard way—through experience.

Learning to Run

When I first started, it was the early days of the Internet, so I spent a lot of time at Border's Bookstore reading running magazines and skimming through books to find the right answers to my training questions. It was a lot of trial and error, mistakes and missteps, but eventually, I figured it out.

To be completely honest, training is absolutely terrible. Sure, it's rewarding and empowering, but physically and mentally, it's terrible. The payoff comes when—after months of training, complete with mental and physical anguish and gallons of sweat and tears—you cross that coveted finish line.

At that point, it's all totally worth it.

You Can Run Marathons, Too

There's so much information out there when it comes to training for a marathon. Like any other new endeavor, it can be hard to know what to do, what information is good and what is total crap.

So here's what I've done: I have taken all that stuff, simplified it, added a pinch of sass and many miles of road running experience, to give you the total package that will get you to the finish line—from one regular person to another.

I want to help average, everyday people accomplish their goal of running a marathon. I have literally been down that road many times and am definitely qualified to speak on behalf of the non-athlete, non-runner, "chubby" community.

Honestly, if this Chubby Runner can run a marathon, believe me, anyone—and I mean ANYONE—can run a marathon.

So, when do we get started?

Learn more about Matthew, get training tips and start your own training at

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About the Author

Matthew Mack

Matthew Mack is the author of "The Chubby Runner" blog, which is dedicated to helping the chubby and other non-runner types accomplish their running goals. He took up running years ago and has completed numerous marathons since then. He is originally from the Kansas City area, but now resides in Lehi, Utah with his wife and three kids. Check out his blog at
Matthew Mack is the author of "The Chubby Runner" blog, which is dedicated to helping the chubby and other non-runner types accomplish their running goals. He took up running years ago and has completed numerous marathons since then. He is originally from the Kansas City area, but now resides in Lehi, Utah with his wife and three kids. Check out his blog at

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