
If Runners Were in Horror Movies

6. A bit of split pea soup coming from a demon possessed little girl wouldn’t faze a runner at all. They’d just pat her on the back and say, “You gave that 5K everything you had! Way to go!” 

If Runners Were in Horror Movies


7. If runners were in horror movies, they’d never hear the spectral spirits going bump in the night because runners sleep better than non-runners. It’s just no fun to haunt a runner.
If Runners Were in Horror Movies


8. Not only can runners outrun zombies, but they know the town and its hiding spots better than anyone from regularly pounding the pavement on their training routes.
If Runners Were in Horror Movies


9. Any would-be killer attempting to ambush a runner from the back seat of a car might be dispelled from the smell and clutter of running shoes, towels and water bottles. If that wasn’t enough, he’d be so tired of listening to Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” on repeat that he’d likely opt for jumping out of the moving vehicle to spare himself the torture.
If Runners Were in Horror Movies


10. If runners were in horror movies, Frankenstein’s monster would be accepted into a running community immediately. Have you seen our toes?
If Runners Were in Horror Movies

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