
Inside the Ragnar Relay

Photo by Mike Hentz

Run. Drive. Sleep. Repeat. Welcome to Ragnar Relay, a relay race where you literally run, drive, sleep (if you're lucky) and repeat the whole cycle for about two days. That's the gist of Ragnar. But, if you're wondering what the whole Ragnar Relay experience is like, read on. Here's the inside scoop on this insane, yet amazing challenge that keeps drawing people back for more.

The breakdown of a Ragnar Relay looks something like this:

  • You run in either a six or 12-member team.
  • You run 200 miles in 24 to 36 hours, depending on your team's pace.
  • You run three legs of the race, ranging anywhere from a 5K to half marathon distance per leg.
  • You live in a van overnight.

More: Run Wild at a Ragnar Relay

At first, the thought of running 200 miles overnight is absurd. Keep in mind that you rotate with team members. Each member is to run three legs. Legs vary in distance and terrain, which makes it perfect for all levels. A newbie can still be a part of this challenge. It's amazing to see elite runners and newbies run side by side encouraging each other to reach the ultimate goal...the finish line. It doesn't seem too bad, right? It's doable.

Teams of 12 have two vans with six people per van. The vans are organized by runners. Runners one through six are in the first van and runners seven to 12 are in the second. The vans go along the course to support their runners, and encourage each other to finish their leg strong, even when runners are sleep deprived.

So, you make your van your home. You find your cozy spot and getting ready for a fun ride.

Day #1

You and your teammates pick up your vans, arrive at the start line, and start decorating your van with your team name, runner's names, and whatever creative ideas you have.

Ragnar Co-Founder, Tanner Bell, decorates his team's van.

Pimped-out van: Team The Limes and The Coconuts



More: 4 Tips to Stay Motivated on Your Long Run

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About the Author

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.
Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.

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