
Running Past a Plateau

Every person has a certain genetic potential for running. It dictates your ability and strongly influences how fast you'll be able to run. It's what separates a five-hour marathoner from a Boston Qualifier, and a Boston Qualifier from an elite athlete.

But most runners think their potential is achieved far more quickly than it's actually reached. Most runners will never reach their genetic potential because they won't maximize their training for a long enough time.

Most runners need at least three years of consistent, challenging training to see what they're capable of achieving. And once you catch a glimpse of what you may be able to achieve, there's at least another decade of development left for you to continue improving.

Instead of worrying about your genetic potential or thinking you're doomed to never get any faster, it's more productive to think about the elements of your training that can be improved.

These improvements are what will enable you to continue progressing and getting faster. Here are three important ways runners can continue improving.

Improvement #1: Consistency

Consistency is the "secret sauce" to running success. It's what makes your half marathon pace this year your marathon pace next year.

But most runners are horribly inconsistent. They take long breaks from their routine, skip workouts or long runs, and frequently miss runs because they're not disciplined.

More: How to Stay Fit While Taking a Break From Running

To see your potential, you must become consistent. Elite athletes run ten or more times per week, every week, almost all year long. That's an extreme example of the consistency needed to see what you're capable of achieving as a runner.

So do a long run every weekend. Run consistently as many days per week as you can. Take 2 to 3 breaks from running per year, but otherwise always be running. It's the surest way to improve.

Improvement #2: Run More

The majority of runners don't run enough weekly mileage. There's a reason the pros run 100+ miles per week—it's necessary to achieve your potential.
You obviously don't have to run that much, but you must run a lot. If your mileage is 10 to 20 miles per week, you're nowhere close to realizing your potential. Your body isn't experiencing enough stress to adapt and become stronger and faster.

While you shouldn't bump your mileage up too quickly, make a commitment to running 10 to 20 percent more per week over the next 6 to 8 weeks. This simple change to your training can help you gain more endurance and ultimately race faster.

More: Distance Running: How Many Miles Should You Run?

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About the Author

Jason Fitzgerald

Jason Fitzgerald is a USATF-certified running coach, 2:39 marathoner, and the founder of Strength Running. Have a question about running? Download the free Strength Running PR Guide to get 35+ answers to the most commonly asked questions about running.
Jason Fitzgerald is a USATF-certified running coach, 2:39 marathoner, and the founder of Strength Running. Have a question about running? Download the free Strength Running PR Guide to get 35+ answers to the most commonly asked questions about running.

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