
The Importance of Running Well

Add Running Drills to Your Training Program

Consider a youth soccer team: Would it be smart to just put them on the field and tell them to play? Drills give them something to refer back to–the skills become ingrained in their minds and help dictate their movements on the playing field.

It goes for running as well. It's poor thinking to just go out and run without attention to proper technique. Running with sloppy form will eventually lead to injury. Running drills, performed consistently throughout the week, will aid in improving your overall running performance.

More: 6 Fartlek Workouts for 3 Training Phases

Be Patient

It takes years to build a solid foundation of aerobic endurance in any sport. Don't expect to be running marathons your first year in the sport. If you're patient and allow ample time to build technique, endurance, speed and strength, you will become a better runner.  Running is a lifestyle so allow yourself to be progressive and you will increase your longevity in the sport.

More: 4 Easy Ways to Become a Lifelong Runner

It's OK to Run Fast

You must know your level of course but running fast promotes good running technique. Slow, methodical jogging forces bad patterns. Running uphill or at a faster speed will force good form and help utilize the correct muscles. 

Here is a simple way to periodize intervals into your training program. Remember to always go at your own level and modify the sets and repetitions accordingly.

  • Week 1: 5x200 meters at 5K goal race pace; jog 200 for recovery
  • Week 2: 7x200 at 5K goal race pace; jog 200 for recovery
  • Week 3: 9x200 at 5K goal race pace; jog 200 for recovery
  • Week 4: No intervals; light running for recovery
  • Week 5: 4x400 at 5K goal race pace; jog 200 for recovery
  • Week 6: 6x400 at 5K goal race pace; jog 200 for recovery
  • Week 7: 7x400 at 5K goal race pace; jog 200 for recovery
  • Week 8: No intervals; light running for recovery

It's not about harder training; it's about smarter training and running well. Learn to be smart with your training methods and performance will soar to new levels. 

More: 4 Ways to Build Speed Workouts Into Your Runs

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About the Author

Justin Levine

Justin Levine is a fitness specialist and triathlon coach in Visalia, California. He is the owner of California Fitness Academy and president of The Visalia Triathlon Club. His philosophy is to enhance an individual's functional movement, posture and dynamic flexibility to maximize triathlon performance. You can email Justin at or read his e-book, The Complete Triathlete, at

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