
The Journey from Couch to 5K: Getting off the Couch

And then, life happened. Or, to be more accurate, injury happened. During one of my more strenuous workouts, I tore a muscle in my lower left abdomen.

Not only did it hurt like you wouldn't believe, but it significantly limited my activity level. In the beginning, just shifting positions on the couch made me cry. I kept trying to exercise, not wanting to lose the level of fitness I had obtained, but the pain was so overwhelming that I had to stop. I was advised by my doctor to rest for a few weeks and then slowly work my way back up. 

Well, I tore my ab muscle in the beginning of April, and it is now the end of June, and I am just starting to work out without any pain. It's been a slow and frustrating journey.

Taking on My First 5K

When my editor contacted me about taking on the Couch to 5K® presented by Special K training program, I was elated. Despite my lack of running experience and my jokes about how much I hate it, I have always admired runners. 

I see them running through my neighborhood, long and lean and with a sense of confidence that I don't think I've ever had. I've long wished I could be one of them, albeit a shorter and wider version. The idea of running—the dedication, endurance and strength of it—moves me. The running community that I see at 5Ks, 10Ks and just on the streets of my neighborhood seems welcoming and happy. So when I was given the opportunity to do this program (along with a freelance writing contract that wouldn’t let me quit), I signed on immediately.

I've downloaded the mobile app. My husband's treadmill is greased up and ready to go. My iPod is loaded with a ton of music, most of which has the kind of questionable language that keeps me motivated. My sneakers are laced up, my capri leggings are clean and I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me. 

Maybe I'll hate it. Maybe I'll love it. But at the very least, I will be able to say I did it.

Ready to start your own Couch to 5K journey? Start by downloading the app here

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About the Author

Meredith Bland

Meredith Bland is a freelance writer whose work has appeared at Brain, Mother; Narratively; The Rumpus;; Scary Mommy, and others. You can follow her on Twitter or Facebook.
Meredith Bland is a freelance writer whose work has appeared at Brain, Mother; Narratively; The Rumpus;; Scary Mommy, and others. You can follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

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