
The Rookie Runner: Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself

The marathon was out of the question, and I had no interest in trying to corral four other people to pony up for a relay race just so I could get a special medal. But could I handle a half marathon? I knew ACTIVE also had a 5K to 10K training app and another app specifically for half marathon training, so I decided to challenge myself and go for it. I signed up for the other two 5Ks, as well as the half marathon that takes place in December (the end of my "rookie year" as a runner).

More: 10 Ways to Beat Boredom on Your Run

Little did I know I had been committing running blasphemy throughout my entire 5K training. Apparently, running in cotton is a no-no (I typically run in a shirt, socks and boxers all made of 100-percent cotton). Apparently, running in basketball shorts is a major faux pas. Apparently, you're not supposed to hold your cell phone while you run. And apparently, running in $35 "running" shoes you got on clearance from a department store will destroy your entire lower body.

But how much of a difference could "real running gear" actually make? Running's running, right?

*Click infograph at right for full version.*

Well, I decided to find out for myself and chronicle my findings, and thus, The Rookie Runner series was born. I'm going to try all sorts of running gear I've never experienced before in the lead-up to my half marathon. Every couple weeks I'll be checking in to let you know what I think of everything from compression wear, to energy paste, to wearable tech and more.

I'm told the first thing I should get out of the way is a gait analysis — which apparently has nothing to do with making sure my backyard is secure (I warned you about my dad jokes). So keep an eye out for my next column, when I'll let you know what it's like to go to a running specialty store and find my stride.

Read the entire Rookie Runner series.

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About the Author

Scott Brown

Scott Brown is a senior content editor for He graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Electronic News before working for FC Dallas of Major League Soccer for four years. Scott enjoys kayaking, reading and playing with his three dogs. You can follow him on Twitter, Instagram or Google+.
Scott Brown is a senior content editor for He graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Electronic News before working for FC Dallas of Major League Soccer for four years. Scott enjoys kayaking, reading and playing with his three dogs. You can follow him on Twitter, Instagram or Google+.

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