Tip 1
Run More 1 of 11You don't have to run 100+ miles per week like elites, but you do have to run more. Don't run five miles twice during the week and a 15-mile run on Sunday. Do a mid-week medium-long run that's 65 to 75 percent of the length of your weekly long run.
Tip 2
Do Long Tempo Runs 2 of 11Long tempo runs and marathon-pace runs are among the most important workouts of your marathon preparation. Too many runners, especially beginners, focus too much on just the long run. Don't neglect the power of the long tempo, which trains you for sustained, faster-paced aerobic running, and hardens you mentally.
Tip 3
Work with a Knowledgable Coach 3 of 11A coach designs a training program for you, monitors what you're doing, and motivates and inspires you to do things that you never thought possible. You see much better results with a coach than you do training on your own.
Tip 4
Pace Yourself 4 of 11Proper pacing is paramount. If you start at a pace that's too hard, it will come back to haunt you. The most physiologically efficient way to race is to run the first and second halves in the same time, or run the second half slightly faster than the first.
Tip 5
Consume Carbs During the Race 5 of 11During the race, your muscles use carbs at a faster rate than you can replenish; the trick is to delay depletion. •Consume quickly digestible carbs like gels ? •Ingest carbs about 30 minutes before you start to feel fatigued •Consume half a gel at a time, and chase it with water
Tip 6
Water 6 of 11Performance declines with just a 2 percent loss of weight from fluid. As you lose water, your cooling mechanism starts to fail, increasing your body temperature. Drink fluids with sodium to retain water. Consume 5 to 6 ounces every two miles. If it's hot or you sweat heavily, drink more.
Tip 7
Don't Do Anything New in the Race 7 of 11Don't wear new shoes on race day. Don't wear anything new in the marathon and don't eat anything different the morning of the race. Practice wearing your gear, and eating different pre-race meals during long runs.
Tip 8
Eat Breakfast Before the Race 8 of 11Unlike shorter races, the marathon challenges your fuel reserves. Carbs are your muscles' primary fuel, so one to two hours before the race, eat 300 to 400 calories of easily digestible carbohydrates and protein such as a nutrition bar, eggs and toast with jelly. Avoid fiber and fat.
Tip 9
Divide 9 of 11Divide the race into more manageable segments, like each mile or 5K, and focus on one at a time. Don't let your head get ahead. You can't do anything about mile 24 at mile 3. Focus on getting to a checkpoint and don't think beyond that until you've reached it.
Tip 10
Be Positive and Confident 10 of 11Focus on the task at hand and execute your race plan. Remain positive when things don't go as planned. At the starting line and when you're in the middle of the race, remove all negative thoughts, and replace them with positive ones.
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