Congrats, you finished your race—way to go. Now you have a race bib, T-shirt, and medal to show your achievements. But after a few races under your belt, the bibs, T-shirts, and medals start to pile up and create a mess.
You don't want to throw away your proud memories, but you're sick of the mess. So what can you do? Instead of throwing your old bib numbers, T-shirts, and medals into a junk drawer, why not make use out of them. Create something functional. Here are six crafty ideas to show off your finish-line success and keep your memories.
Cozy Quilts
Turn your race bibs, shirts and photos into a quilt. Stay warm and show off your race memories as you get cozy on the couch to watch your favorite film or read your a book. Original Quilts or Campus Quilts scans your photos or bib numbers onto fabric that can be sewn together. Stop wasting drawer space on old race shirts; clean out your dresser and stacks of bib numbers and make a lasting and functional memory.
Conversational Coasters
Protect your tables and counters with coasters. It's a thoughtful and unique gift idea or memory keepsake for any athlete. You can mail your bib number, send a copy, or email a .pdf file to Mile Stones. It's a great way to commemorate a special race—and it's a great conversation starter.Creative Magnets
Did you know you can turn your wall into a magnetic wall with paint? Magnamagic allows you to paint your wall like normal paint. Then you glue on magnets to your bib numbers, or medals, and place them on the wall. The refrigerator is not the only place to show off magnets any more. This is a new creative way to show off your finish-line success.Unique Wall Paper
Create memory lane and turn your race numbers into wall paper. Simply go to your local hardware store to purchase wall paper glue and then place your numbers on the glue. Voila, you now have a one-of-a-kind wall paper.Memorable Scrap Books
Take your photos, medals, and bibs and create a race memory book. Embellish Creative Designs makes custom scrapbooks that fits your personality and preserves your memories. Choose what style book you want and the designer will work with you. It's an old-school scrapbook with a twist. Embellish can also create customized shadow boxes, which makes for great gifts.Functional Race Bags
Recycle and reuse...make your own recyclable bag out of your old race numbers or T-shirts. What's neat about Races R My Bag is that you can choose what style bag and size you'd like and your shirts or race bibs are used as the design. Send in a medal to add extra flare. From an everyday tote to a weekend getaway bag, you'll always be able to take your race memories with you.Sign up for your next race online.
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