
Why I Do Mud Run After Mud Run

mud run


That pumpkin-sized bruise I mentioned earlier? That was a BATTLE WOUND, my friends, and a badge of honor I wore proudly. Coming to work on Monday, hobbling and covered in scratches and bruises (as long as nothing is seriously wrong), is visible proof that I worked hard over the weekend. While lazy bums were sitting on their couches watching reality TV, I was leaping over fire, man!

More Interesting Than Road Races

Don't get me wrong, I will run a normal 5K race every so often, and for a solid workout, 10K is one of my favorite distances. But I have the most fun getting on a mud run course with my husband and friends. The camaraderie and teamwork is something you don't find in other types of races, and making a new friend after you hauled their butt up out of a mud pit is always entertaining. ("Now that we've groped each other, my name is Summer. What's yours?") You'll never find a group of people more willing to help, because guess what? They needed help up that wall a couple miles back. Pay it forward.

You Are Stronger Than You Realize

Some obstacles you can prepare for (hello, monkey bars), and some you can't. But when we set fear aside, humans are capable of so much more than we realize. For example, I had no idea I could carry an empty keg for a quarter mile until I did it in the Jailbreak race.

Mud runs are fun and challenging, and have definitely pulled me out of my comfort zone more than once. If you need an adventure, or want to try something different from your standard road race, check out mud runs in your area.

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About the Author

Summer Hogsed

Summer Hogsed is the Sr. Product Manager for and harbors a secret love for writing. As a former ballet dancer and journalism major, she is no stranger to the written word or being ACTIVE. While ballet is her first love, she is passionate about being active in many forms. Previous adventures include musical theater, flamenco dancing, a half marathon and running away with the circus. Current activities are yoga, running, mud runs and rock climbing. Follow the madness on Twitter and Instagram.
Summer Hogsed is the Sr. Product Manager for and harbors a secret love for writing. As a former ballet dancer and journalism major, she is no stranger to the written word or being ACTIVE. While ballet is her first love, she is passionate about being active in many forms. Previous adventures include musical theater, flamenco dancing, a half marathon and running away with the circus. Current activities are yoga, running, mud runs and rock climbing. Follow the madness on Twitter and Instagram.

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