A sub-7 minute mile or a BQ aren't the only running achievements to celebrate. How many of these milestones have you hit?
Think you can't run an ultra? Your mind, not your body, might be the thing holding you back. Don't let these seven myths stop you.
Become an ultrarunner with advice from one first-timer to another. Read how Julia Hubbard overcame her ultra fears to finish her first 50 miler.
Racing beyond the marathon requires extra focus on gear, nutrition and training, and strong mental fortitude. Elite ultrarunner Michael Wardian pro...
The allure of the ultra has spiked; with more runners checking 26.2-mile races off their bucket lists, many are looking beyond the marathon. Here's...
Here are six fun facts about the extreme, but growing, sport of ultrarunning.
Treat your running right by following these handy tips on how on to properly wash those tech tees, sports bras and socks.
If you're getting started--or getting back into--running, it can tough to do so while avoiding injury. Here are three steps to cut the risk through...
Debunking five common fears that keep runners off the trails