Learn from a Tennis Pro: Two-Handed Backhand

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Rich Neher is the owner of Tennis Media Group, promoting tennis events, organizations, programs and professionals through social media outlets, speaking engagements, and community building.

Mastering the two-handed backhand will give you a powerful stroke which, when combined with a one-handed backhand slice, will add great variety to your game.

Our guest pro for this demonstration is Carl Bryan, certified coach by the Professional Tennis Registry. Bryan trained at the Weil Academy in Ojai, California. and spent years as the hitting partner for Mike and Bob Bryan on the pro tour. He also coached in Spain, France and Italy. Today he teaches at the Toluca Lake Tennis and Fitness Club and at Weddington Golf & Tennis, both in the Los Angeles area. You can reach Carl Bryan at bryanbrospracticingpros@gmail.com.

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Here are Bryan's nine steps to mastering the two-handed backhand:
Step 1
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Stand in the split-step and ready position. Prepare yourself for an efficient, compact backswing and two wide shoulder turns.
Step 2
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Keep your feet planted and turn your shoulders and racquet together. The non-dominant hand will be leading and driving through the ball while the dominant arm is getting out of the way. Sidestep your outside leg a bit to make it easier to step into the shot. Now you should be looking over your dominant shoulder.
Step 3
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Step into the shot. Let your racquet head drop below the height of the ball for top spin or right at the height of the ball for a flat shot. The butt cap of your racquet should face the incoming ball. Begin your forward swing.
Step 4
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Make contact out in front with your racquet parallel to the net. Your body will drive through the ball towards your target. Your legs, shoulders and arms should move in unison.
Step 5
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Keep your head steady as you watch the ball and drive your shot through and up. The racquet should be parallel to the net before it goes up.
Step 6
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Follow your swing through over your dominant shoulder. Your elbows should finish high. Keep your eyes at the point of contact.
Step 7
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When you started out with your two-handed backhand, you were looking over your dominant shoulder. As you finish the shot, you should be looking over your non-dominant shoulder.
Step 8
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Recover with either a shuffle or crossover step, depending on how wide you were pulled off the court for the shot.
Step 9
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Return to the split-step and ready position to prepare for your next shot.