
11 Triathlon Rules You Should Know

Stage One: Swimming

Rule 5: Swim around the buoy. Sounds obvious, but not always as easy to follow as it sounds. Rookies might want to stick to the outside of the turn where the flailing limbs tend to be less concentrated and the confusion factor runs high. "People liken it to a washing machine," says Mike Ricci, head coach of the University of Colorado's national champion triathlon team. "Everybody's gravitating toward the same space."

More: Practice Sighting in the Pool for Long-Distance Triathlons

Transition 1: Swimming to Biking

Rule 6: Don't ride in the transition area. Once you're out of the water, you'll be hustling to get your bike. Then you'll walk, or run, to the mount line where you can finally start pedaling. Tempting as it might be, don't hop onboard until you reach that line. Normally it's too chaotic to gain any real momentum, anyway. "Some of Chicago's races have 8,000 people," says Ricci. "It's like the biggest parking lot you've ever seen. Sometimes you run for half a mile."

Rule 7: Buckle your helmet. Yes, officials are this fixated on the details, and they could penalize you even if you're caught fiddling with the strap as you start the second leg of the race. Put your helmet on completely before you swing your leg over the bike, Ricci says.

Stage Two: Biking

Rule 8: Don't draft. If you remember one rule, make it this one. "Imagine a rectangular box around every cyclist. It starts at the front wheel, extends 1 meter to the left and right, and 7 meters behind," Murray says. Enter that space, and you've got 15 seconds to pass the guy in front of you. Otherwise, stay at least 7 meters behind, about three bike-lengths. Riding any closer means you're putting in about 30 percent less effort, letting the dude in front of you battle the wind while you cruise in his wake. That's a hugely unfair advantage in a sport that's all about individual achievement.

More: 3 Steps to a Faster Bike Split

Rule 9: Stay to the right. Unless you're passing, that is. Remember: If you enter that invisible box surrounding the guy in front of you, the shot clock starts at 15 seconds. Pass the guy on the left. Then immediately move back to the right. "You can't just lollygag," Murray says. "You have to get back over." Overstay your welcome in the left lane, and you'll get flagged for blocking. (Blocking, what's that? Brush up on your glossary with The Triathlon Terminology You Need to Know.) Worse, you'll expose yourself as a rookie.

Transition 2: Biking to Running

Rule 10: Don't ride to the rack. While it's tempting, don't just cruise past the dismount line, even if you figure you can get away with a few more feet. "Run or walk with your bike after that line," Murray says. "Take your helmet off. Put your running shoes on. And off you go."

More: Transition Tips for a Speedy Bike to Run

Stage Three: Running

Rule 11: Run to the finish line. Seriously, that's about it. "You can't cut the course," Murray says. "Otherwise, just run it as it's marked."

(After you've mastered the rules, get moving with a Weekend Warrior Workout Plan)

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