
15 Tips to Become a Sponsored Triathlete

Be Your Own Agent

You have to book your own travel, make race arrangements, repair equipment and deal with media and sponsors. This requires a degree of organization.

When you're focused on training, it can be easy to forget to book travel arrangements or return an email to a sponsor. Make sure to set aside time to look up flights, make hotel reservations, research bike transportation, visit race expos, work on brand promotion, and update your blog and social media pages.

MoreComplete Checklist for Traveling Triathletes

Carve out time each day to write to followers about your training that day. A series of short write-ups or posts on Facebook, a blog or website, documenting your progress will generate interest and excitement in your next race.

Interact With People

You have a product to sell when you're out and about. Make sure you plan time before and after any race to promote your products. 

Track Yourself

Keep track of any photo shoots and interviews you have scheduled. If you're scheduled for a photo shoot in a cycling magazine, you'll want to notify your bike sponsor. Determine if there is an opportunity to promote one of your sponsor's product. Remember, you're a brand ambassador.

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Be Selective

When you're starting out, getting a sponsor is very exciting. Make sure it's a brand you can be loyal to. If there's a company conducts animal testing and you don't support that activity, don't accept their sponsorship.

If you don't like the product, how can you talk positively about it? 

Brand Building Checklist

Keep these 10 things in mind to build your business as an elite triathlete:

  • Build and manage your website.
  • Create a logo for yourself.
  • Create a Twitter account and tweet daily.
  • Create a Facebook account and update your status.
  • Stand for something. Pick a charity to raise money for.
  • Create a good image of yourself.
  • Get involved with your community.
  • Wear logos when at public events.
  • Make public appearances at local events. Don't be afraid to speak in public about your cause.
  • Brand loyalty. Keep good values when selecting brands.

More: 10 Ways to Speed Recovery and Gain Performance

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About the Author

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.
Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.

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