Previously, I wrote a run workout column and an indoor trainer column. To those seeking logical order, it makes sense that I include a swimming column in this buffet of workouts.
Some Masters swim programs don't include workouts geared specifically for triathletes, instead focusing training toward Masters swim meets. I'm sad for those triathletes because a good coach and Masters group can make swimming more enjoyable. In addition to the fun-factor, a good coach can help your swim efficiency and improve your pace.
If you use a coach and the workouts in the column look fun, take a copy to your next swim practice. If you don't swim with a Masters group—no worries—you can still do a couple of my favorite swim workouts on your own or with your swim buddies.
Aerobic Swim
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First, read through the workout and notice that there is no designation for yards or meters. Use the measurement system associated with your pool.
For this entire workout, keep your perceived exertion at easy to moderate.
Looking at the first swim of the main set, the 900 is more fun if you swim it with three to six other people that swim roughly the same speed as you. You will rotate the lead position in a single lane. When the leader completes 75, they'll stay on the right side of the lane wall to allow everyone else to swim past. They'll then join the group as the new last person.
Rotating the lead position makes the time go by faster, helps you practice drafting and usually creates a higher average pace than if you swim 900 by yourself (given the same effort level).
After the 900 is complete, take a one to two-minute rest interval (RI) (but no more than two minutes) before beginning the 600. You can continue rotating the lead during the 600 or select one leader for it and each of the remaining sets. During the 600, do three repeats of: 100 closed-fist swimming then 100 regular swimming.
Don't cheat on the fist swims. Folding your fingers down and keeping an open palm does not count as a fist. Closed-fist swimming done correctly forces you to use your entire arm to catch water and can help increase cadence. When you open your hands after swimming with closed fists, it feels like you're wearing paddles.
After the 600 is a 400 pull with a buoy and paddles. The 400 is followed by a 200 pull with a buoy and no paddles.
For the main set grand finale, I like to work a few different muscles by adding backstroke.
I just love negative-split workouts. These workouts help athletes learn to meter their energy and not go too fast at the beginning of the workout.
Before beginning this workout, first determine the highest average pace per 100 you can hold for a set of three repeats of 300, with only 30 second rest between each swim (3 x 300 with 30 second RI). Call this your T-Pace.
Next, add 15 seconds to your 100 T-Pace—this is your swim interval or send-off for the entire main set. For example, if your T-Pace is 1:30, your swim interval is 1:45. You will push off the wall every time the clock ticks off one minute and 45 seconds.
The speed or pace that you need to be swimming during each swim interval is listed in parenthesis.
For some variation, you can increase the intensity of Workout No. 1 by having only the leader swim their 75 as fast as possible during the 900.
For those of you who aren't strong swimmers, cut everything in half.
As your season progresses, you can keep the same send-off, but try to further improve the pace you swim during Workout No. 2. A second option is to retest your T-Pace to see if you can decrease your send-off time.
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