
20 Ways to Nurse an Injury and Still Dominate

Being a triathlete makes you feel like you have superpowers. You swim. You bike. You run. And your friends and family agree: You are unstoppable.

And then you get injured.

There goes the master season plan you built six months ago. You know the one that you drew up one night and then dropped over $500 on registrations for? The ones you told all your friends you were doing? The ones you can't race anymore?

Not all is lost. Every year I see athletes come down with injuries that interrupt their training but don't end their life as they know it. The key is being able to refocus, to shift your goals and apply the energy to a new intermediary set of milestones that will get you back on track.

You might not be able to salvage your entire season, but you can certainly come back stronger than ever. There are a variety of options for you. Remember, the "right" one might vary based on your current situation or injury.

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