
3 Steps to a Faster Bike Split

triathlon bike

Walking into transition areas these days has become quite a fashion show. The amount of "bling" and carbon is spectacular. Truly. The beauty of these aero frames, carbon component groups and aero wheels can be mesmerizing and maybe even a little intimidating.

Each year, cycling manufacturers tout the latest and greatest in comfort, stiffness and aerodynamics. Each year triathlon bikes become sleeker, pricier and, supposedly, faster.

Will the best bike on the market give you a faster bike split? It just might. Will it make you a better cyclist? Probably not. Before you go out and drop $5,000 on a bike, know that you can get sleeker and faster, too. So, if you want to save a few dollars and still go faster, here are three ways to improve your cycling split.

More: How to Make Your Bike More Aerodynamic on a Budget

Cycling Fit

Find a cycling shop that specializes in triathlon bike fits or find a certified triathlon coach in your area that has experience fitting. Why is a bike fit so important? First, comfort. Most triathletes look uncomfortable, and if you aren't comfortable on the bike, you are not going to ride well no matter how much carbon you are steering.

Second is aerodynamics. A good position on the bike will help reduce your drag and allow you to cut through the wind. Last is power output. Positioned correctly, you can optimize your strength and endurance to ride farther or faster at your current energy expenditure. These three factors will go a long way to helping your bike split and can ease your transition off the bike to running.

More: What to Expect When Getting a Bike Fit

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