
3 Ways to Prevent Achilles Tendinitis

Tennis Ball Roll

You want to actively loosen your plantar fascia by keeping one foot on the ground and rolling a tennis ball under the other foot. The muscles and tendons along the bottom of your foot exert pressure from below on the Achilles, and you want to make sure nothing is tight and/or cramping.

Foam Roller

Proactively increase the flexibility in your lower legs by using a foam roller on the front and back. Tightness and tension can be released by slowly rolling out these muscles on a consistent basis.

As with any overuse injury, if you choose to ignore the pain you run the risk of even greater injury. A ruptured Achilles tendon could require surgical repair, not to mention an incredible amount of pain. Always speak with a doctor if the pain is not lessening after proactive measures have been taken.

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About the Author

Keely Hedges

Keely Hedges is a San Diego-based personal trainer, spinning and fitness instructor, and regular contributor on She is an avid runner having completed many half and full marathons. She enjoys adventure racing, hiking, and being outdoors as much as she can. Keely also enjoys freelance writing and blogging on her site Like her Facebook page.
Keely Hedges is a San Diego-based personal trainer, spinning and fitness instructor, and regular contributor on She is an avid runner having completed many half and full marathons. She enjoys adventure racing, hiking, and being outdoors as much as she can. Keely also enjoys freelance writing and blogging on her site Like her Facebook page.

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