
5 Benefits of Joining a Triathlon Club

You're Never Alone on Race Day

There's nothing more encouraging than seeing your teammates during your race. Whether they're racing with you or they're just there to cheer you on, your teammates are the perfect pick-me-up to keep you going. Additionally, club members who wear their team kit are easier to spot by family and friends, and you often hear the cheers of random spectators as you pass. After crossing the finish line, what's better than ending the day with a post-race celebration with your teammates, family and friends?

More: 10 Ways to Conquer Race-Day Jitters

Club Resources

Typically, joining a triathlon club gives you access to various sponsors and race-entry discounts. You can expect to save a few bucks at cycling and running shops, as well as other online triathlon retailers and vendors.

Triathlon clubs host informational seminars, clinics and camps. Seminars such as race fueling, pacing and training can be extremely helpful. The best thing about seminars is that you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more than if you were simply reading a training magazine. Clinics are great as well; open water swim clinics, tire changing clinics and transition clinics are just a few ways tri clubs can give you a chance to learn, practice and feel more comfortable on race day. Lastly, training camps provide the perfect atmosphere to take your fitness to a new level as you prepare for your big race. When you go to a training camp you are completely submerged in the sport for a few days. Regardless of your experience level, you'll be a much stronger athlete when you leave the camp.

More: 6 Tips to Boost Your Triathlon Fitness

How to Join

You can find a local triathlon club by searching on Google or by looking at the list of USAT-Sanctioned clubs. Remember, however, all clubs are not created equal; some are purely social, while others are very competitive. You can also find groups that have a more balanced training approach.

Other things to consider when searching for a club include the organization, leadership, proximity and of course, the members. The best way to decide if a particular club is right for you is by meeting some of the members at one of the club's social events. Most triathletes are friendly and outgoing so make sure you introduce yourself, don't be shy, and have a good time.

More: How to Meet Training Partners

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About the Author

Chris Kaplanis

Chris Kaplanis

Chris Kaplanis is the co-founder and assistant head coach of Ridgewood Tri Athlete (RTA), a multisport coaching business and triathlon club in New Jersey. RTA works with athletes from across the country, offering a variety of services to get you faster, fitter and on track to successfully accomplish your goals.
Chris Kaplanis is the co-founder and assistant head coach of Ridgewood Tri Athlete (RTA), a multisport coaching business and triathlon club in New Jersey. RTA works with athletes from across the country, offering a variety of services to get you faster, fitter and on track to successfully accomplish your goals.

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