
5 Essential Keys to Athletic Success

3. Have a Plan

"If you think it, you've gotta ink it." 
Set goals for the big picture, and then set smaller process goals that lay out the steps you need to take to achieve your big picture goal. Make sure your plan is balanced and consider hiring a coach or mentor to guide you on your journey.

More: 7 Pitfalls to Avoid When Setting Goals

4. Commit

Before committing to a plan, make sure you understand what it's going to take to reach your goals; then honestly assess whether you're willing to do those things. Once you know what you want, and how badly you want it, it will be easier to follow through with the plan.

5. Master Self-Talk

First surround yourself with like-minded, positive and supportive individuals—this kind of positive reinforcement will increase your chances of success. However, you must also be your own biggest supporter. Trust in your fitness and in your preparations. Remind yourself that you are fully capable of being your best! Negative thoughts and choices get us nowhere, except, exactly where we don't want to be. When negative thoughts surface, you have a choice; you can believe them and fall victim to their stronghold or you can simply recognize their futility and exhale them away. You cannot change the past but you do have the power to create what happens next.

More: How to Avoid Mental Self-Destruction

Your challenge: Post these five concepts in a place you visit frequently. Use your power, choose your attitude, and watch your quality of life improve and your athletic performance soar!

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About the Author

Marisa Carter

Marisa L. Carter, MS, RN is the Owner and Head Coach of Evolve Multisport. For more information on coaching services or to contact Marisa, please visit
Marisa L. Carter, MS, RN is the Owner and Head Coach of Evolve Multisport. For more information on coaching services or to contact Marisa, please visit

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