
6 Cycling Workouts for the Time-Crunched Triathlete

Be sure to get in at least a 10- to 15-minute warm-up before each workout, building to just below your threshold heart rate or power zone, and complete an easy spin following the hard effort for your cooldown. If you have the time and would like a longer workout, add a longer aerobic spin at the end of the workout.

More: 10 Training Rules for Triathletes

Follow these tips and targeted workouts to help you to fit in effective cycling workouts without compromising too much of your limited time.

5-Minute Sweet-Spot Intervals

  • Warm-up 10 to15 minutes
  • 4 sets: 5 minutes at threshold (5 minutes easy spin RI)
  • Easy spin cooldown

10-Minute Sweet-Spot Intervals

  • Warm-up 10 to 15 minutes
  • 2-3 sets: 10 minutes @ threshold (5 minutes easy spin RI)
  • Easy spin cooldown

Aerobic Threshold Steady-State Ride

  • Warm-up 10 to 15 minutes
  • Ride a steady 30 to 40 minutes at 20 beats below your threshold (or power zone 2)
  • Easy spin cooldown

"Tabata" Intervals

  • Warm-up 10 to 15 minutes
  • 2 sets: 8 reps of 20 seconds all out, followed by a 10-second easy spin; 2 minutes easy spin between sets
  • Easy spin cooldown


  • Warm-up 10 to 15 minutes
  • 10-15 sets: 30 seconds all out, followed by a 30-second easy spin
  • Easy spin cooldown

Hill Repeats

  • Warm-up 10 to 15 minutes
  • Climb a 3- to 5-minute hill (4 percent- to 6 percent-grade) four to six times at threshold. If on a trainer, use your gears to simulate the climbs.
  • Easy spin cooldown

More: 4 Great One-Hour Bike Workouts

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About the Author

Karen Buxton

Karen Buxton is Level-III USA Triathlon certified coach with over 25 years of coaching experience and author of The Triathlete's Guide to Off-Season Training. Coach Buxton works and trains in Greensboro, North Carolina and can be reached at Find out more about Coach Buxton at
Karen Buxton is Level-III USA Triathlon certified coach with over 25 years of coaching experience and author of The Triathlete's Guide to Off-Season Training. Coach Buxton works and trains in Greensboro, North Carolina and can be reached at Find out more about Coach Buxton at

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