
8 Questions Triathletes Are Really Tired of Hearing

Non-triathletes—otherwise known as "normals"—might be shocked to hear that there are in fact questions that triathletes are tired of hearing.

"WHAWHAWHAAT?!," you say. "How can that be, when the second I bring up anything sports-related, a triathlete chimes in with details about their training schedule, watts-per-something-or-other, favorite chamois cream application methods and details of their gastrointestinal regularity?"

It's true. While we triathletes are sick of certain questions, we just can't stop pushing our triathlon knowledge on anyone within earshot.

Unfortunately, I can't help you avoid the unwelcome details of your triathlete co-worker's undercarriage, but I can give you insight into the questions we're tired of being asked. After all, at least one of us should try to be respectful of what the other doesn't want to hear, and we sure don't intend to stop talking about uncomfortable topics any time soon.

About the Author


Triathlon Taren Gesell

Taren Gesell is better known to triathletes as Triathlon Taren on YouTube, where he shares his triathlon journey and provides tips for age-group athletes, like himself, in daily vlog posts. Learn more here.
Taren Gesell is better known to triathletes as Triathlon Taren on YouTube, where he shares his triathlon journey and provides tips for age-group athletes, like himself, in daily vlog posts. Learn more here.

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