
A Q&A With American Olympic Triathlete Sarah True

After placing fourth in the London 2012 Olympic games, 3-time ITU World Championship medalist Sarah True will be looking for a podium finish this summer in Rio de Janeiro. caught up with True and asked her about her origins in triathlon, what she's looking forward to, and what she thinks about the controversial water quality in Rio's Copacabana Beach. How did you first get into triathlon? What drew you to the sport?

ST: I grew up participating in lots of different sports, but really gravitated towards endurance sports. I remember watching the IRONMAN on television as a young kid and thinking that I'd someday want to try a triathlon. It seemed like a really rewarding challenge. I didn't do a triathlon until I was older, but it lived up to my expectations from my youth. What is your strongest/weakest discipline? Swim, bike or run?

ST: I started swimming as a kid and competed in college, so the swim is the most natural to me. Of the three, the run is my biggest challenge. Are you excited to potentially compete in the games with your husband? How will that work out?

ST: In 2012, Ben had Lyme Disease during Olympic Trials and missed out on the team. In spite of his disappointment, he was an incredible supporter for my race in London. After that race, I was determined to pursue another opportunity to share the Olympic experience together. There's nothing that I would want more than for Ben to make the team and to be able to support each other in Rio. What are you looking forward to the most in Rio?

ST: Sharing the experience with friends and family. What is your training schedule looking like leading up to Rio? Are you feeling healthy?

ST: I'm starting my build up in training and it will gradually get more intense as I get closer to August. I'm strong, healthy and looking forward to putting together a few more months of intense training. Is the water quality a concern for you? Did you consider not competing?

ST: Based on the information provided to us from the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), I feel confident in my decision to race. There has been a recent push for more equal opportunities for women in triathlon. Have you seen any progress yourself?

ST: The International Triathlon Union, my sport's governing body, has long been a bastion for equality. From equal opportunities to equal prize money, the ITU has treated both genders the same since the federation's inception. While other areas of my sport have yet to see the same level of equality as we experience through the ITU, the gender gap is definitely closing. What are your favorite pre- and post-race meals?

ST: Before a race, I prefer foods that are easy to digest and keep me full. My standby meal is eggs and white rice. After a race, I like to have a burger and some gelato. How do you fuel mid-race?

ST: With Untapped maple syrup packets. I'm from New Hampshire, after all! Do you have any fun post-race plans?

ST: Normally I'm pretty wiped post-race, so a good meal and a solid night of sleep is my idea of a perfect celebration. What does the rest of your season look like?

ST: I'll be doing some of the World Triathlon Series races around the world. It requires quite a bit of travel, but I love what I do. What is your pet peeve?

ST: When people wear too much perfume or scented products when exercising. I'm very sensitive to smell!

To learn more about Sarah, visit The Olympics begin on August 5th.

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About the Author

Michael Nystrom

Michael Nystrom is the triathlon editor for A California native, Michael graduated from the University of Southern California with a master's degree in journalism. He has done several sprint- and olympic-distance triathlons, raced Ironman 70.3 California and raced Ironman 140.6 Arizona. Follow Michael on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.
Michael Nystrom is the triathlon editor for A California native, Michael graduated from the University of Southern California with a master's degree in journalism. He has done several sprint- and olympic-distance triathlons, raced Ironman 70.3 California and raced Ironman 140.6 Arizona. Follow Michael on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.

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