Every Triathlete Can Relate to These Annoying Swim Problems

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Despite its simplistic concept, swimming is one of the most technical (and sometimes daunting) aspects of triathlon. From proper technique to race day tactics, the swim leg can truly make or break a race. For many triathletes, swimming is the sport they've not previously had much experience with. With a steep learning curve and a trial-by-error approach for some, these things about swimming are some all triathletes have complained about at some point in their triathlon careers.
4 a.m. wake up for a 5 a.m. Masters swim class.
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And forgetting to start the coffee pot before said Masters swim.
Yards-to-meters conversions.
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Or calculating intervals in your head—5 a.m. (or any time) is too early for math.
Loose swimming blocks.
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Nonexistent swimming blocks.
Kick boards that look like they've been chewed on.
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Or ones that have actually been chewed on...
400m cool downs.
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You mean that's not the workout?
Not paying attention and hitting your arm on the pool coping.
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Not paying attention and hitting your forehead on the pool coping.
Catching a heel on the lane line.
Realizing your Garmin is dead as you jump in.
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How will people believe that I actually swam?
Awkward swimsuit tans.
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Dry, crackly chlorine hair and skin.
Raccoon eyes from goggles that are too tight.
Chafed armpits. #bodyglideFTW
Showing up to the pool and all the lanes are taken.
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When you go to ask someone if they'll split the lane with you, and you talk to their flip turn instead.
Sharing a lane with someone faster than you. #bruisedego
Losing track of your set and swimming longer than prescribed.
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No, I will not see the bright side.
Forgetting to tie your swimsuit before jumping in.
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Fins that are two sizes too small.
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Fins that are two sizes too big.
Ripping your favorite race's swim cap.
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Or tearing your new triathlon wetsuit with a fingernail.
The "what IRONMAN are you training for" small talk.
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Or really any other dumb triathlon question.
When there's no hot water in the locker room shower.
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And the long, cold walk from the locker room to the pool.
Losing your goggles after diving in.
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Getting kicked in the face during the swim start.
Treading water.
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Swimming against the current. (Both equally as difficult.)
Following a group of swimmers and going way off course.
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Buoys that look like they never get any closer.
The lightheaded feeling as you run up the beach/ramp after a long swim.
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I swear I haven't been drinking.
Water that's too warm for a wetsuit but too cold to go without.
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When you don't expect the water to be THAT cold. #polarplunge
Last minute changes to the swim course.
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When the pool is closed without any prior notice.
Losing an earplug halfway through a workout.
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Why me??
When you're sighting straight into the sun.
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The face you make as you exit the water.
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Having to pee in the middle of a set.
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Don't mind me...
Staring at that black line for hours each week.
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This is my thrilled face.
Getting lapped by the old guy/girl next to you.
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The taste of salt water that never goes away.
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Gel burps. Enough said.
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